--- aliases: [/en/sys/openbsd/gnome/] categories: ['OpenBSD','System','X11'] date: 2021-07-24T20:00:00+02:00 description: "How to install, set and use Gnome on OpenBSD!" draft: false tags: ['OpenBSD','Gnome'] title: "OpenBSD: Gnome" translationKey: "openbsd-gnome" --- ## Description **Gnome** is one Desktop Environment, available on OpenBSD. ⇒ Environnement: * OpenBSD: 6.9 → 7.1 ---- In this tutorial, I assume that OpenBSD has just been freshly installed, and that everything has to be done. ## Installation Usual: `# pkg_add gnome gnome-extras` Some dependancies are installed, like **avahi**, **consolekit2**, **dbus**, **samba**, **sane-backend**, and many more. ## Configuration The Gnome3 environment works differently from other desktop environments. Don't try to set up personal files **profile**, **.kshrc**, or even **.xsession**; they will not be taken into your account when starting and using Gnome. ### Daemons If during the OpenBSD installation you have activated **xenodm** — *the default X Display Manager* ­— disable it! ```sh # rcctl disable xenodm # rcctl stop xenodm ``` After, active **gdm**, the session manager, and all needed daemons. ```sh # rcctl enable multicast messagebus avahi_daemon gdm # rcctl start multicast messagebus avahi_daemon gdm ``` ### Limits As wrote on the pkg-readme file, limits are not enough to execute correctly Gnome. Let's do it right: - create a "gnome" login class, and add your user to this class Modify the `/etc/login.conf` file to add: ```cfg gnome:\ :datasize-cur=1024M:\ :tc=default: ``` --- ⇒ OpenBSD ≤ 7.0 : gdm will be missing file descriptors. * create a "gdm" login class, and expand it to the xenodm. ```cfg gdm:\ :tc=xenodm: ``` And, modify your user: ```sh # usermod -L gnome user ``` *(where 'user' is your userid…)* ---- Voila! It's enough to run correctly Gnome. Think to restart your session or the machine. Now, let's go a little further in the configuration, like setting the French language, *or yours*, and others useful tips. ### Language To manage your language — *mine is FR* — you need to modify the `/etc/gdm/locale.conf` file, as: ```cfg # $OpenBSD: locale.conf,v 1.4 2014/01/08 14:07:48 ajacoutot Exp $ # # Mimics Linux's /etc/locale.conf. # See locale(1) for a list of supported locales (`locale -a`). # OpenBSD setlocale(3) does not handle LANG #LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LC_CTYPE="fr_FR.UTF-8" LC_MESSAGES="fr_FR.UTF-8" ``` *If you do not make this change, and if you have a password with accented characters in your language, according to the keyboard settings during the OpenBSD installation, you will not be able to log in, because gdm uses English by default*. ---- Think to restart gdm. ### Power Management To use the suspend and hibernate features, you need to active the **apmd** daemon: ```sh # rcctl enable apmd # rcctl set apmd flags -A # rcctl start apmd ``` ### Printing To print, install Cups: ```sh # pkg_add cups cups-filters cups-libs foomatic-db gutenprint ``` Start both services **cupsd**, and **cups_browsed** — *this second is useful to detect printers on network using Bonjour broadcast messages, as Avahi*. ```sh # rcctl enable cupsd cups_browsed # rcctl start cups cups_browsed ``` L'administration peut se faire au-travers des paramètres **Imprimantes**, voire de l'interface web de Cups, disponible depuis l'URL http://localhost:631, ou des outils **cupsctl**, **lpadmin**. You can administrate by the Printing Parameters, the webui of Cups, *available on http://localhost:631*, or by tools as **cupsctl**, **lpadmin**. ### LibreOffice The **gnome-documents** manager does not support Office types documents. Install the **unoconv** package! ## Tips ### Keyboard #### Display Desktop ⇒ Don't try to hide all windows to show just the desktop, the option is not activated by default! Open Parameters > Keyboard. Into the **Navigate windows** section, search "Minimize all windows". Click on and set the desired key combination, like the Super + D keys. ### Random Wallpaper This feature does not exist by default! I provide two scripts to implement this feature, on my Gitlab: [WallpaperManager](https://framagit.org/hucste/tools/tree/master/OpenBSD/Gnome3/WallpaperManager) Read the instructions to install and use it. ### PF I've not discuted about firewall rules, but here is an example: ⇒ Cups : ```cfg pass in on egress proto tcp from egress:network to egress port 631 flags S/SA modulate state ``` ⇒ Avahi : ```cfg pass proto udp from any to port mdns allow-opts pass inet6 proto udp from any to ff02::fb port mdns allow-opts pass proto udp from any to port ssdp allow-opts pass inet6 proto udp from any to { ff02::c, ff05::c, ff08::c } port ssdp allow-opts ``` Of course, it's up to you! ## Troubleshooting **GDM** refuse to start! Directly, read the daemon log file, or even that of the messages log: ```sh # grep gdm /var/log/daemon ``` ### Gdm: Couldn't connect to system bus: Into both files, **daemons**, **messages**, you have the equivalent of this message: ```log Jul 23 09:38:14 og3 gdm[56941]: Gdm: Couldn't connect to system bus: Could not connect: No such file or directory ``` Probably, this is because the **messagebus** service is not activated and started. Have you activated all the services as written at the beginning of this article‽ ## Documentations * the differents pkg-readme files: - /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/gnome - /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/gnupg - /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/samba - /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/sane-backends - and others… ---- Voila! ----