--- categories: ['OpenBSD','Network','Client'] date: 2018-11-03T21:38:54+01:00 description: "Howto config the SMTPD service for a required authentication mail on OpenBSD (≥ v6.4)" draft: false tags: ["OpenBSD","smtpd","auth","client","mail"] title: "OpenBSD: configure smtpd.conf to auth email client (≥ v6.4)" translationKey: "openbsd-smtpd-auth-client" --- ## Description **How to config your machine to send mail by terminal/console, on OpenBSD, on SMTP server with a required authentication?** ## Introduction **OpenSMTPD** is a free implementation of the SMTP protocol, as defined in {{< rfc 5321 >}}, with some additional standard extensions. It allows the machines to exchange mail. Informations: * Website: https://www.opensmtpd.org * Version: 6.4.0 → **6.7** * OS: OpenBSD 6.4 → **7.3** *Effectively tested with [Gandi][1], and the association [L'autre.net][2], and finally on my "owners" MX*. ## Installation Since OpenBSD 6.4, inton the base system, we have the new version of OpenSMTPD. To start the service: `# rcctl start smtpd` A small clarification on files: * the config file is: `/etc/mail/smtpd.conf`. * the logfile is: `/var/log/maillog`. ## Configuration To send an email at one SMTP server require an authentication, as Gandi, it's necessary to first create a secret file with the good rights on your system, and to set the config file. The manpage show us on [example](https://man.openbsd.org/smtpd.conf#EXAMPLES): ### File secrets Create the needed secret file: `# touch /etc/mail/secrets` Put the secured rights: ```sh # chmod 640 /etc/mail/secrets # chown root:_smtpd /etc/mail/secrets ``` Now, it's necessary to write those informations:
`identifiant username:password`
{{< color red >}}Do Not Write TEXTUALLY this information{{}}, replace with: * `identifiant`: your choosed id — *this will use later on your config file*. *(e.g.: as **perso**)* * `username`: usually, your email. * `password`: the password for your email identification. {{< note warning >}} It's possible to (re?)name the secrets file as you want, and put in other place on your system. It's better put rights `0400` on this secrets file. Even, it's possible for the service to access at your secrets file, with your personal rights as `$USER:$USER`, it's better to put the right group `_smtpd`. {{< /note >}} ### File `smtpd.conf` Now, we modify the config file `/etc/mail/smtpd.conf`. ```cfg # $OpenBSD: smtpd.conf,v 1.14 2019/11/26 20:14:38 gilles Exp $ # This is the smtpd server system-wide configuration file. # See smtpd.conf(5) for more information. table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases table secrets file:/etc/mail/secrets queue compression # To accept external mail, replace with: listen on all # ## add on 6.7 listen on socket listen on lo0 action "local_mail" mbox alias action "unbound" relay host smtp+tls://identifiant@server auth mail-from "@your-domain.tld" # Uncomment the following to accept external mail for domain "example.org" # # match from any for domain "example.org" action "local" ### 6.6 writings #match for local action "local_mail" #match for any action "unbound" ### 6.7 writings match from local for local action "local_mail" match from local for any action "outbound" ``` --- **Explainations** So compared to the original version, we added: * the line `table secrets`: it call the secrets file — *write your custom filename*. * the line `action unbound`: to define the necessary action to send emails to the SMTP server. * NOTE about `identifiant@serveur`: * you have to replace the string `identifiant` by your created. *(as wroted above: **perso**)*. * and too, to replace the `serveur` by the name of SMTP server. * the string [`smtp+tls`](https://man.openbsd.org/smtpd.conf#host) is the used protocol to connect at the SMTP server.
others protocols are: * `lmtp`: to connect on a {{< abbr LMTP "Local Mail Transfer Protocol" >}} session. * `smtp`: to attempt a connection with a STARTTLS session, if possible. * `smtp+tls`: to force the connection on a STARTTLS session. * `smtp+notls`: to use a plain text SMTP session without TLS. * `smtps`: to force the connexion via {{< abbr TLS "Transport Layer Secure" >}} — *default port: 465* * with no specified protocol, the connection will be done on the default port: 25. * the string [`auth`](https://man.openbsd.org/smtpd.conf#auth): to specify the secret table. * the string [`mail-from`](https://man.openbsd.org/smtpd.conf#mail_-from): to specify the domain name to use. * the line `match … action "relay"`: this is the action that will be triggered to send the emails. #### Changes on 6.7 OpenBSD 6.7 makes minor syntax changes: - add `listen on socket` *{{< man smtpd.conf 5 "listen~2" >}}* - modification of match actions for the **local** queue manager *{{< man smtpd.conf 5 match >}}*:
`match from local for local action "local_mail"`
`match from local for any action "outbound"`
#### Changes on 6.6 The syntax of the action names has changed slightly between versions 6.4 and 6.6: * `local` becomes `local_mail` * `relay` becomes `unbound` ### aliases About aliases system: It is interesting to manage the related alias `root` account or even that of your main user… Edit the file `/etc/mail/aliases`, with rights admin.
At the end of file, modify `root` with your desired address email.
Do the same for your system user. ;) And, do not forget to reload the aliases base, with the command `newaliases`! ## Utilisation {{< note warning >}} Before restart the **opensmtpd** service, we need to test the config file:
`# smtpd -n`
If the result is: `configuration OK`
that's folk! Otherwise, re-edit the file, at the line indicated first! {{< /note >}} Now, restart the service: ```sh # rcctl restart smtpd smtpd(ok) smtpd(ok) ``` The log will display messages, as-is:
`Apr 3 07:17:05 sh1 smtpd[68810]: info: OpenSMTPD 7.0.0 starting` Too, think to use the controller `smtpctl`… see the manpage **smtpctl.8**. ### Send So: * `echo "Test to send email on $(hostname); date: $(date)" | mail -s "Email test" email` * or, `echo "Test to send email on $(hostname); date: $(date)" | mail -s "Email test" root` For all cases, the log will display messages, as instance: ```log Apr 3 07:20:20 sh1 smtpd[56183]: 2cda1df4efff97f2 mta connecting address=smtp+tls:// host=mail2.automario.eu Apr 3 07:20:20 sh1 smtpd[56183]: 2cda1df4efff97f2 mta connected Apr 3 07:20:21 sh1 smtpd[56183]: 2cda1df4efff97f2 mta tls ciphers=TLSv1.3:AEAD-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256:256 Apr 3 07:20:21 sh1 smtpd[56183]: 2cda1df4efff97f2 mta cert-check result="valid" fingerprint="SHA256:17af91bcb27a530cc278cd8be90551593bee38ebaf6ade68053a508b14a8f817" Apr 3 07:20:21 sh1 smtpd[56183]: 2cda1df4efff97f2 mta delivery evpid=4138560f4bd626cf from=<***@huc.fr.eu.org> to=<***@stephane-huc.net> rcpt=<-> source="" relay=" (mail2.automario.eu)" delay=1s result="Ok" stat="250 2.0.0 eb1a48cf Message accepted for delivery" ``` ## Errors See, below, the possible commons errors: ### Error: authentication failed Check again your `username`, `password` id wrote on your {{< anchor "secret file" "file secrets" >}} ! ### Error: Cannot parse smarthost This message means the SMTP service can't figure out the strings `identifiant@serveur` on your action rule. Check your entries: * your string `table secrets` need to match with the good secret filename! * your strings `identifiant username:password` in your secret file. * have you replace correctly the string `identifiant` on the config file? * too, for the string `serveur`: make sure the SMTP server name exists! ### Error: Sender address rejected: Domain not found This message means the SMTP service can't match with the desired domain name. The tips: use the param [mail-from](https://man.openbsd.org/smtpd.conf#mail_-from) in your action rule, to target the good domain name, as:
`mail-from "@votre-domaine.tld"`
**Do Not forget the symbol `@`.** ## Documentations The SMTP protocol is define by RFC 5321 : {{< rfcdoc 5321 >}} ### Manpages * {{< man "smtpd.conf" 5 >}}, {{< man "smtpctl" 8 >}} ### Others informations * See the [new changes syntaxe with the OpenSMTPD v6.4][3] --- [1]: https://gandi.net [2]: https://lautre.net [3]: https://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade64.html ---