--- categories: ['OpenWRT','System'] date: 2020-09-14T18:03:35+02:00 description: "Howto upgrade correctly OpenWRT… without losing user configuration datas; and some explains to migrate versions, on routers like Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X, Xiaomi Redmi AC2100" draft: false tags: ['OpenWRT','sysupgrade','opkg','sysadmin','router','Ubiquiti','EdgeRouter','Xiaomi','Redmi','AC2100'] title: "OpenWRT: Manage correctly the process to upgrade to the new version!" translationKey: "openwrt-sysupgrade" --- ## Description **OpenWRT** has a tool to upgrade the system, named **sysupgrade**. You can invoque on the Luci's web admin. If you are more interesting by sysupgrade on LuCI, go to this note: {{< anchor "Flash on LuCI" "Flash on LuCI" >}} --- The following procedure explains step by step the sysupgrade in CLI mode, while preserving the user configuration… ## Process The first action is install the tool `curl`, because the native `wget` does not support TLS. `# opkg install curl` ### opkgscript.sh The `opkgscript.sh` script is used to save the list of packages installed in addition to the base. ⇒ Now, fetch [opkgscript.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/richb-hanover/OpenWrtScripts/master/opkgscript.sh):
`$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/richb-hanover/OpenWrtScripts/master/opkgscript.sh` ⇒ Put the `+x` needed rights:
`# chmod 0700 opkgscript.sh` ⇒ backup the list of installed packages; *to re-install easy them after the sysupgrade process*: `# ./opkgscript.sh -v write` This script write the list into file `/etc/config/opkg.installed`. ### Download firmware Let's retrieve the new firmware version: - e.g. the current version: `# v="23.05.3"` ⇒ for the **Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X** : `curl -O https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/"${v}"/targets/ramips/mt7621/{openwrt-"${v}"-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin,sha256sums}` ⇒ for the **Xiaomi Redmi Router AC2100** : `curl -O https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/"${v}"/targets/ramips/mt7621/{openwrt-"${v}"-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin,sha256sums}` And, we check the checksum:
`# sha256sum -c sha256sums 2> /dev/null | grep OK` ⇒ Correct result for **Xiaomi Redmi Router AC2100**:
`openwrt-23.05.3-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin: OK` {{< note danger >}} **ATTENTION**: If the verification fails, go to discuss it on the forum! **Don't try to upgrade with a corrupted firmware!** {{}} ### Backup configuration The next step check the backup configuration: `# sysupgrade -l` If necessary, you can edit the file `/etc/sysupgrade.conf` to add some folders/files; for instance, in the case where {{< inside2 l="sys/openwrt/sudo" t="a user has been added to the **sudo** group" >}}, you need to add those: * /etc/sudoers * /etc/sudoers.d/ Check again; and, backup the configuration: `# sysupgrade -b /tmp/backup-${HOSTNAME}-$(date +%F).tar.gz` And, after, it is necessary to retrieve this backup:
`$ scp root@openwrt:/tmp/backup*.tar.gz $(pwd)`
*(where 'openwrt' is the adresse IP about your router)* {{< note info >}} If you obtain this error message:
`ash: /usr/libexec/sftp-server: not found` Please, see this note about {{< anchor "SSH v9.0 and higher" SSH v9.0 and higher"" >}} --- The note {{< anchor "Freeing memory" "Freeing memory" >}} may be interesting, but it's not very useful on Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X or Xiaomi Redmi Router AC2100. {{}} ### Upgrade system Now, it's time to upgrade the system: `# sysupgrade -v openwrt-"${v}"-*-sysupgrade.bin` Example, for the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X: ```ash # sysupgrade -v openwrt-"${v}"-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin` (date) upgrade: Saving config files... etc/config/dhcp etc/config/dhcp-opkg etc/config/dropbear etc/config/firewall etc/config/https-dns-proxy etc/config/https-dns-proxy-opkg etc/config/luci etc/config/luci-opkg etc/config/network etc/config/openssl etc/config/opkg.installed etc/config/rpcd etc/config/system etc/config/travelmate etc/config/ubootenv etc/config/ucitrack etc/config/ucitrack-opkg etc/config/uhttpd etc/config/uhttpd-opkg etc/config/unbound etc/config/unbound-opkg etc/config/wifi_schedule etc/config/wifi_schedule-opkg etc/config/wireless etc/crontabs/root etc/dropbear/authorized_keys etc/dropbear/dropbear_ed25519_host_key etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key etc/fw_env.config etc/group etc/hosts etc/inittab etc/luci-uploads/.placeholder etc/nftables.d/10-custom-filter-chains.nft etc/nftables.d/README etc/opkg/keys/0b26f36ae0f4106d etc/opkg/keys/1035ac73cc4e59e3 etc/opkg/keys/2f8b0b98e08306bf etc/opkg/keys/4d017e6f1ed5d616 etc/opkg/keys/5151f69420c3f508 etc/opkg/keys/72a57f2191b211e0 etc/opkg/keys/792d9d9b39f180dc etc/opkg/keys/9ef4694208102c43 etc/opkg/keys/b2d571e0880ff617 etc/opkg/keys/b5043e70f9a75cde etc/opkg/keys/c10b9afab19ee428 etc/opkg/keys/dace9d4df16896bf etc/opkg/keys/dd6de0d06bbd3d85 etc/opkg/keys/f94b9dd6febac963 etc/passwd etc/profile etc/rc.local etc/shadow etc/shells etc/shinit etc/sudoers etc/sysctl.conf etc/sysupgrade.conf etc/unbound/unbound.conf (date) upgrade: Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions. ``` {{< note tip >}} Notice the presence of the file `/etc/config/opkg.installed` into the backup. {{}} At this moment, your SSH session close, and the router reboot! --- {{< note info >}} When reconnecting to your router from your SSH client, it may happen that the SSH connection fails with the following error message:
In this case, please see the note {{< anchor "SSH Remote Host Identification" "SSH Remote Host Identification" >}} --- If you migrate from 19.07.x to ≥ 21.02.x, please read carefully the note {{< anchor "Migration to ≥ 21.02.*" "Migration to ≥ 21.02.*" >}} --- After rebooting, if your router cant access to the Internet, check the nameserver on `/etc/resolv.conf`. {{}} --- #### Verify the new OS version After the reboot, you will find the information about the new version: - In LuCI, go to Status > Overview, see the section "System" and "Firmware version". - In SSH, the login banner has the release information. As instance:
```ash BusyBox v1.36.1 (2024-03-22 22:09:42 UTC) built-in shell (ash) _______ ________ __ | |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_ | - || _ | -__| || | | || _|| _| |_______|| __|_____|__|__||________||__| |____| |__| W I R E L E S S F R E E D O M ----------------------------------------------------- OpenWrt 23.05.3, r23809-234f1a2efa ----------------------------------------------------- ``` ### resolv.conf Check the `/etc/resolv.conf`, and if necessary, modify it to write IP address of a reachable DNS server. As instance: ```sh # sed -i -e 's/' /etc/resolv.conf ``` ### Upgrade packages {{}} Note that on a device with only 4MB of NVRAM, these updates may not fit; ensure there is at least 600KB or so free. It's not the case for the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X, or on Xiaomi Redmi AC2100; the first had 256MB, the second 128MB. {{}} Let's upgrade the third-party packages: ⇒ On the SSH console, do: `# opkg update && opkg list-upgradable` If the result show some binaries to update, launch this command: ```sh # for name in `opkg list-upgradable | awk '{print $1}'`; do opkg upgrade "${name}"; done ``` ### Restore "user profil" To restore the user profile: After repeating the step about curl and the script `opkgscript.sh`, we run the script to reinstall all packages previously intalled by you: `# ./opkgscript.sh -v install` And, after… the last but not the least: reboot! ## Ultimates Checks Check your configuration: * your various network interfaces are always present and operational? * your firewall configuration is correct? * your different services run correctly? Have you a IPv6 tunnel, OpenVPN, or others services, usually, accessed by the menu "Services"? --- Voila! --- ## Notes You will find various useful informations, only for certain contexts: ### Flash on LuCI Since the menu "System" > "Backup / Flash firmware": 1/ It can be usefull in the 'Configuration' tab to modify the list of custom files to save…
If you installed some packages, relatives files and folders are not backuped if there are not wroted here. 2/ Make a backup of your OpenWRT configuration before, from the 'Actions' tab. 3/ During the process of flashing a new sysupgrade image: ⇒ use those options: - **KEEP SETTINGS AND RETAIN THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION**, at least - **INCLUDE IN BACKUP A LIST OF CURRENT INSTALLED PACKAGES AT /ETC/BACKUP/INSTALLED_PACKAGES.TXT**. If those are not checked, you lost your entire configuration of OpenWRT. In all cases, all previous installed packages need to be reinstall, perhaps to configure again. Keep on mind that changes included by upgrades to major version can cause problems during migration. There may be critical changes. ### SSH v9.0 and higher If your SSH client version is ≥ 9.0: Since SSH v9.0, the behavior of `scp` has changed.
The above command will fail with the error message: ```ash scp router:/tmp/backup-***-2022-04-21.tar.gz . ash: /usr/libexec/sftp-server: not found scp: Connection closed ``` In the fact, Dropbrear cant discuss with…
To resolve this, add the `-O` option to the command, instance:
`$ scp -O root@openwrt:/tmp/backup*.tar.gz $(pwd)`
*(this restore the old SFTP behavior of scp)* Another tips is to {{< inside2 l="/sys/openwrt/openssh" t="install the OpenSSH server instead of Dropbear" >}}. ### Freeing memory This section is most useful if `/tmp` is not enough large to store the sysupgrade OpenWRT image. The following actions will temporary free up space in RAM. Let's make sure of the memory and disk space with the commands `free` and `df`, or `cat /proc/meminfo`; the goal is to verify that **the size of *free* RAM is larger than the size of the downloaded image**. If it's the case, then go to continue the process… else, "houston, we have a problem" and go to discuss on the OpenWRT forum! --- Take an example to better understand: ⇒ the size of the sysupgrade binary to the current version: ```ash $ ll -h (…) -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.7M Sep 10 13:53 openwrt-22.03.0-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_redmi-router-ac2100-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin (…) ``` it is 6.7 Mb. ⇒ the available space in `/tmp`: ```ash # df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 3.8M 3.8M 0 100% /rom tmpfs 59.7M 540.0K 59.1M 1% /tmp /dev/ubi0_1 97.2M 7.8M 84.7M 8% /overlay overlayfs:/overlay 97.2M 7.8M 84.7M 8% / tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev ``` In the context of the Xiaomi Redmi AC2100, the available space is 59.1Mb, which is more enough to retrieve the sysupgrade image and manage it. ⇒ Also, the space freed memory: ```ash # free -m total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 122220 40532 61400 540 20288 46700 Swap: 0 0 0 ``` In this context, the free memory space is about 60Mb. Again, there is enough space to manage the sysupgrade image. **If**, in your context, the total space available, i.e. memory + space `/tmp` is not enough, it's possible to try the following actions — delete what is not useless: * package list files:
`# rm -r /tmp/opkg-lists/` * caches:
`# sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches` * the following wifi drivers:
`# rm /etc/modules.d/*{80211,ath9k,b43}*` * and, finally, check that there are no symbolic links into `/etc/modules.d`; if, it's the cas, delete-them. This which will free up RAM at the next startup. And **reboot** before the sysupgrade process. ### SSH Remote Host Identification When connecting again via SSH, it is normally possible that you will get the following error message: ```sh @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that a host key has just been changed. The fingerprint for the ED25519 key sent by the remote host is SHA256:0atP7BnQQ98EVJciOCBDYAUD245lKm2tbau8BgWMpQ0. Please contact your system administrator. Add correct host key in /home/you/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. Offending RSA key in /home/you/.ssh/known_hosts:93 remove with: ssh-keygen -f "/home/you/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "192.168.xyz.1" ED25519 host key for 192.168.xyz.1 has changed and you have requested strict checking. Host key verification failed. ``` **DO NOT PANIC! It's a normal process.**
We changed the version, and the identification host, too.
Apply the ssh-keygen command, like wroted, to delete the older. And, after retry your connection. {{< note warning >}} After the upgrade, the machines behind the router no longer have proper access to the Internet; it's normal; do not panic! Dont forget: in fact, `sysupgrade` remove all user configuration datas. {{}} ### Migration to ≥ 21.02.* {{}} **minimum hardware requirements**: Since version 21.02.0, devices now need at least 8 MB of flash and 64 MB of RAM to run a default build of OpenWRT. See: https://openwrt.org/supported_devices/864_warning {{}} You chose to migrate at the 21.02.\* version from v19.7.\*, it's fine! But, you need to connect on the WebUI, and click on the "Interfaces" menu. The interface will propose you to migrate the configuration, do-it now! And after, reboot! --- ## Documentations As you can read in the documentation of the OpenWRT wiki, there are other methods; the one I propose seems the most relevant… - [Upgrading OpenWrt firmware using LuCI and CLI](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/installation/generic.sysupgrade) - [Upgrading OpenWrt firmware using LuCI](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-quick-start/sysupgrade.luci) - [Upgrading OpenWrt firmware using CLI](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/installation/sysupgrade.cli) ---