--- title: "Nextcloud : manpage occ" date: 2019-11-23T21:59:23+01:00 description: "Nextcloud: manpage occ commander" draft: false tags: ["Nextcloud", "occ"] --- ## occ Usage: `command [options] [arguments]` Options: * `-h`, `--help` Display this help message * `-q`, `--quiet` Do not output any message * `-V`, `--version` Display this application version * `--ansi` Force ANSI output * `--no-ansi` Disable ANSI output * `-n`, `--no-interaction` Do not ask any interactive question * `--no-warnings` Skip global warnings, show command output only * `-v`|`vv`|`vvv`, `--verbose` Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug Available commands: * `check` check dependencies of the server environment * `help` displays help for a command * `list` Lists commands * `status` show some status information * `upgrade` run upgrade routines after installation of a new release. The release has to be installed before. ### Manage configuration `config` * `config:app:delete` Delete an app config value * `config:app:get` Get an app config value * `config:app:set` Set an app config value * `config:import` Import a list of configs * `config:list` List all configs * `config:system:delete` Delete a system config value * `config:system:get` Get a system config value * `config:system:set` Set a system config value ### Manage Database `db` * `db:add-missing-indices` Add missing indices to the database tables * `db:convert-filecache-bigint` Convert the ID columns of the filecache to BigInt * `db:convert-mysql-charset` Convert charset of MySQL/MariaDB to use utf8mb4 * `db:convert-type` Convert the Nextcloud database to the newly configured one ### Encryption Management `encryption` * `encryption:change-key-storage-root` Change key storage root * `encryption:decrypt-all` Disable server-side encryption and decrypt all files * `encryption:disable` Disable encryption * `encryption:enable` Enable encryption * `encryption:encrypt-all` Encrypt all files for all users * `encryption:list-modules` List all available encryption modules * `encryption:set-default-module` Set the encryption default module * `encryption:show-key-storage-root` Show current key storage root * `encryption:status` Lists the current status of encryption ### Federation Management `federation` * `federation:sync-addressbooks` Synchronizes addressbooks of all federated clouds ### Files Management `files` * `files:cleanup` cleanup filecache * `files:recommendations:recommend` * `files:scan` rescan filesystem * `files:scan-app-data` rescan the AppData folder * `files:transfer-ownership` All files and folders are moved to another user - shares are moved as well. ### Groups Management `roup` * `group:add` Add a group * `group:adduser` add a user to a group * `group:delete` Remove a group * `group:list` list configured groups * `group:removeuser` remove a user from a group ### Integrity App, Core `integrity` * `integrity:check-app` Check integrity of an app using a signature. * `integrity:check-core` Check integrity of core code using a signature. * `integrity:sign-app` Signs an app using a private key. * `integrity:sign-core` Sign core using a private key. ### Logs Management `log` * `log:file` manipulate logging backend * `log:manage` manage logging configuration * `log:tail` Tail the nextcloud logfile * `log:watch` Watch the nextcloud logfile ### NC Background jobs `background` * `background:ajax` Use ajax to run background jobs * `background:cron` Use cron to run background jobs * `background:webcron` Use webcron to run background jobs ### NC Maintenance `maintenance` * `maintenance:data-fingerprint` update the systems data-fingerprint after a backup is restored * `maintenance:mimetype:update-db` Update database mimetypes and update filecache * `maintenance:mimetype:update-js` Update mimetypelist.js * `maintenance:mode` set maintenance mode * `maintenance:repair` repair this installation * `maintenance:theme:update` Apply custom theme changes * `maintenance:update:htaccess` Updates the .htaccess file ### NC Migration `migrations` * `migrations:execute` Execute a single migration version manually. * `migrations:generate` * `migrations:generate-from-schema` * `migrations:migrate` Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version. * `migrations:status` View the status of a set of migrations. ### NC Security `security` * `security:certificates` list trusted certificates * `security:certificates:import` import trusted certificate * `security:certificates:remove` remove trusted certificate ### NC Update `update` * `update:check` Check for server and app updates ### User management `user` * `user:add` adds a user * `user:delete` deletes the specified user and all datas user * `user:disable` disables the specified user * `user:enable` enables the specified user * `user:info` show user info * `user:lastseen` shows when the user was logged in last time * `user:list` list configured users * `user:report` shows how many users have access * `user:resetpassword` Resets the password of the named user * `user:setting` Read and modify user settings `notification` * `notification:generate` Generate a notification for the given user `versions` * `versions:cleanup` Delete versions: delete versions of the given user(s), if no user is given all versions will be deleted * `versions:expire` Expires the users file versions: expire file versions of the given user(s), if no user is given file versions for all users will be expired. ### Manage applications `app` * `app:check-code` check code to be compliant * `app:disable` disable an app * `app:enable` enable an app * `app:getpath` Get an absolute path to the app directory * `app:install` install an app * `app:list` List all available apps * `app:remove` remove an app * `app:update` update an app or all apps #### Mail `mail` * `mail:account:create` creates IMAP account * `mail:account:export` Exports a user's IMAP account(s) #### Circles `circles` * `circles:clean` remove all extra data from database * `circles:fixuniqueid` fix Unique Id issue. #### Deck `deck` * `deck:export` Export a JSON dump of user data #### Talk `talk` * `talk:command:add` Add a new command * `talk:command:add-samples` Adds some sample commands: /wiki, … * `talk:command:delete` Remove an existing command * `talk:command:list` List all available commands * `talk:command:update` Add a new command * `talk:signaling:add` Add an external signaling server. * `talk:signaling:delete` Remove an existing signaling server. * `talk:signaling:list` List external signaling servers. * `talk:stun:add` Add a new STUN server. * `talk:stun:delete` Remove an existing STUN server. * `talk:stun:list` List STUN servers. * `talk:turn:add` Add a TURN server. * `talk:turn:delete` Remove an existing TURN server. * `talk:turn:list` List TURN servers. #### 2FA: Two Factor Auth `twofactorauth` * `twofactorauth:cleanup` Clean up the two-factor user-provider association of an uninstalled/removed provider * `twofactorauth:disable` Disable two-factor authentication for a user * `twofactorauth:enable` Enable two-factor authentication for a user * `twofactorauth:enforce` Enabled/disable enforced two-factor authentication * `twofactorauth:state` Get the two-factor authentication (2FA) state of a user #### WebDAV `dav` * `dav:create-addressbook` Create a dav addressbook * `dav:create-calendar` Create a dav calendar * `dav:list-calendars` List all calendars of a user * `dav:move-calendar` Move a calendar from an user to another * `dav:remove-invalid-shares` Remove invalid dav shares * `dav:send-event-reminders` Sends event reminders * `dav:sync-birthday-calendar` Synchronizes the birthday calendar * `dav:sync-system-addressbook` Synchronizes users to the system addressbook ----